The Do’s and Don'ts of Augmented Reality


If you are planning to launch a digital marketing campaign, augmented reality has the power to make it or break it. Hence, it is important to be spot on with augmented reality. Mentioned below are the do’s and don’ts for augmented reality that you must keep in mind.

Do’s for AR

Establish the rules of the game

With augmented reality, gamification is a part of the project that you are working on. The learners would be learning by playing games. Hence, it is essential for you to set clear rules of the game for the learners to achieve victory for their efforts. The immersive experience provided by AR apps would indeed by rewarding for them.

Enrich the courses you offer by creating the top quality content

Conduct in-depth analysis and create sessions that involve a lot of practice for the learners. By using AR solutions, you can augment and visualize the crucial parts.

Testing is essential

Quality assurance is an indispensable part of AR app development. Testing is not just confined to software or hardware. The user experience needs to be tested thoroughly to ensure that the learners do not have to face any side-effects while using augmented reality.

Make the style element a part of your story or narrative

While developing courses, it is essential to keep all the elements easy, simple, and natural. Augmented reality is not like a video. It must have a user-friendly interface and crystal-clear controls.

Don’ts for AR

Do not rely too much on the design

In the case of an online course, it is the quality of the content that matters the most. Design is secondary.

Not depending on a single plan of action

When technology is concerned, relying on just augmented reality has been like skating on thin ice. Overloading your online course content with too much AR can be detrimental. With excessive AR, your online course may appear like a game and not academic learning.

Deploying the AR app only after proper feedback from the target groups

Before launching the AR app for use, you must collect relevant feedback as to what the target audience group feels about the content offered by you. All constructive feedback must be implemented immediately for the betterment of your app before deploying it.