How Does AR Studio Pro Work?

The AR Studio Pro is a leading augmented reality app that is developed to benefit different industry verticals. This augmented reality app for businesses is built to simplify and enhance the buyer’s journey, plus, enhance the buyer’s experience. This is the reason it is getting a lot of popularity. It can help businesses let their customers visualize the products. For example, this AR app for furniture retailers allows furniture buyers to visualize their favourite piece of furniture in their offices or homes to see how it would appear.

Does it sound like magic?

This is not magic, it is technology.

AR Studio Pro unleashes the power of augmented reality technology and helps businesses do the magic to impress buyers.

Let us share how AR Studio Pro works:

Business side

The businesses are the users that are going to use this augmented reality app for business, so they can impress more customers. Businesses can create 3D objects of their products using the AR Studio Pro, so their customers can visualize these objects.

Let us share how AR Studio Pro works on the business side.

  • Once a business subscribes to use this augmented reality app for business, he or she will receive the credentials of the backend system of the AR Studio Pro.
  • The admin user of AR Studio Pro can add products to this augmented reality web app. For example, the furniture store can add its furniture products in this augmented reality app for the furniture industry. The AR Studio Pro also supports importing multiple products using its import feature.
  • For each product that an admin user has added, the AR Studio Pro will generate a QR code.
  • This QR code can be used for marketing and any other campaigns to increase engagement and sales. This QR code for each product can be placed on the online shopping portal or it can be shared on social media platforms, via WhatsApp, etc.

Client side

  • Clients can scan the QR code of the product they would like to try or visualize in a real world scenario.
  • To scan the QR code, the customers can either use an AR Studio Pro app or they can also use the default camera app available on their Android or Apple devices
  • On scanning the QR code, the customers will be able to visualize the product in their room or office. For example, if a furniture store is using the AR Studio Pro, the customers of the furniture store can simply put different furniture items like 3D objects in their rooms or offices using this AR app for the furniture industry.
  • The customers can also increase or reduce the size of the product or they can also customize the products depending on the available options such as changing colour, changing fabric, etc.


This is how the AR Studio Pro works for businesses and customers. You can book a free demo. In the free demo, a representative of AR Studio Pro will show how this whole platform works to benefit your business.