How AR Studio Pro Reduces Sales Expenses of a Furniture Retailer?

Furniture retailers in the Netherlands and across the globe have been spending on increasing sales. For this, the furniture retailers need to get an online shopping portal along with a physical furniture showroom. Moreover, furniture retailers need to invest in traditional and digital marketing to increase leads from online stores and footfalls to their physical stores. Not only this, but they also need to add a team of salespeople who can handle customers that are visiting the physical showroom.

All of this includes heavy investment and because of increasing competition, it has become a necessity for furniture retailers in the Netherlands. Technology tools have been paving the way in different industries and retail furniture is not an exception here. AR Studio Pro is one of the technology tools that are developed to empower one or more industries. Along with many other industries, AR Studio Pro has been benefiting the furniture industry in the Netherlands and other European countries.

Read this blog post to learn more about the major features of AR Studio Pro developed to benefit the Furniture industry.

Along with several advantages, this augmented reality app for furniture retailers bestows, reducing sales expenses is one of the major advantages of this app. Let us explain how.

This AR app for furniture retailers let furniture retailers add QR codes of the products to their online furniture stores and other marketing collaterals. One QR Code for each piece of furniture needs to be created. This reduces the cost of sales models of furniture that otherwise need to be manufactured and placed in the showroom. These QR codes can be scanned by the default camera app of any smartphone or using the AR Studio Pro mobile app, which is available for both, Android and Apple devices.

Scanning a QR code will make sure that the person can see that piece of furniture as a 3D object in the real world environment. If a prospective customer has visited the furniture store and is interested in exploring options of size or fabric then the individual models or just pictures are not needed. The AR Studio Pro can let the salesperson customize the size and fabric of the furniture to show a 3D object of the requested size and fabric. This way without increasing the number of furniture models, customers can see the furniture as per their preferences and buy them. This increases sales, too, with minimum investment as customers can visualize the exact product before buying it.

On the other hand, it can increase online conversions as the customers can visualize the furniture products in their living room, bedroom, etc. They can also customize the furniture to see how it appears. This can give a clear idea to the customers about how would a furniture product appear in their houses. This enhances the buyer’s experience as well as boosts sales. This reduces footfalls in the showroom in some cases or even if increases foot falls, it will reduce the sales efforts. So with minimum expenses, more sales can be achieved.

All in all, AR Studio Pro assures the boosted sales with reduced expenses for furniture retailers. Want to get more details about AR Studio Pro and its role in the furniture industry? Contact us.